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Arbitration arbitrator ADR AAA



Marc Mayerson is an experienced arbitrator, derived from representing parties in arbitrations and in serving as an arbitrator.  Marc has served as chair of a three-person arbitration panel, as a solo arbitrator, and as a panel member. 


Arbitration can be binding on the parties (subject to later confirmation in court) or parties can elect "non-binding" arbitration, which is a proceeding that results in an outcome, but the parties can choose not to abide by it.


Marc has been trained and certified as a commercial arbitrator by the American Arbitration Association (AAA).  He also arbitrates attorneys' fees disputes that are presented before the DC Bar Attorney-Client Arbitration Board (ACAB); in one of these, Marc was an arbitrator in the largest single attorneys' fees claim presented in this forum (an eight-figure amount) and that necessitated the longest trial proceedings of its kind with live testimony from half-a-dozen expert witnesses.   


Many commercial insurance policies have arbitration provisions, sometimes calling for a situs of arbitration in New York, Bermuda, or London, and also may have choice-of-law provisions indicating New York or English law.  Marc Mayerson can serve as a party-appointed arbitrator (accepting appointments from either the policyholder or the insurance company/reinsurer/retrocessionaire) or as as chair of a panel.  Marc has received training in insurance and reinsurance disputes from ARIAS U.S. (AIDA Reinsurance & Insurance Arbitration Society). He also has experience in reinsurance arbitration in London, under the English arbitration act, and has worked with outstanding barristers and Queen's Counsel in London. Whether an arbitration requires the application of a particular law or application of law in the light of custom and practice (i.e., the contract includes contains an "honourable engagement" clause), Marc Mayerson has the breadth of experience and depth of substantive knowledge to serve effectively as part of an arbitration parnel, one that will instill in the parties confidence in the arbitral result.  

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